Little that he knew

Someone knows something about my future that I don't know

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

what were you reading ?

Last term break I tried some thing diferent. I friend of mine working in TCS, motivated me to go to a place called PARIVAAR. Started by an IIM C alumni, 2003 batch, it has been a story worth following. After 4 yrs in IIT Kgp, a year in infosys and B school education which a forunate few receive, Vinayak decided to follow his heart. In a rented apartment he decided to start Parivaar. So what was it all about.
Well he picked two kids of age 3 and 4 from the railway station. They neither had parents or relatives. No place to sleep and nothing to eat. Vinayak wanted to create a home for such children. His, give these kids every thing he received from his parents. Love, care, education , a place stay or in short a Parivaar, a family to live with.

After modest beging in 2003 April financed by earnings from teaching in Erudite, a coaching institute, Parivaar moved to its new infrastructure in Thakurpukur, Kolkata.
With support from IIM C alumni the first home to accomodate 50 children was created. Today the second phase is on the verge of completion. Total cost of this new residential area is some where around 1 crore.

Parivaar now accomodates around 135 children. What makes it different from any other destute home are

- They have a standard procedure of intake

- All the kids go to private/public schools, where they win their place by taking admission tests along with others

- Every child has his own uniform, set of clothes and set of books and stationery.

- Parivaar has incorporated special methods to teach children between 6 to 9 years so as to make them eligible for proper schooling.

if you want to know more about it you can go to .


Well a group of individuals are currently contemplating on issues regarding development of the children. One area where we are struck is that how to develop reading habits of these children. May I clarify that children of Parivaar go to reputed english and bengali medium schools of Kolkata. Mostly they are of the age between 3 to 10. We plan to make a small library so that they develop good reading habbit. What I expect from readers of this Blog?

- Suggest books mostly from your experience which you felt important/interesting when you were of the same age.

- The books maybe pictorial or short stories, fairy tales, comics........anything which you feel motivated you to read more.

Remember our aim is to improve reading habbits of these children. Ask yourself how this habbit made you a better person. Your experience will be of gr8 help to these kids.

Also if you have any old book to donate I feel there will not be a better cause. You can send them to Parivaar or mail them to me at

C-110, Hostel Block,IIM Indore, Pigdamber, Rau, Indore- 453331 .

I have a Parivaar brochure and a CD with me. Kindly send across a request for them if u need so.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Here comes Bhisma Pitamah and hey I see Brutus too

I just finished watching the movie "Goodfellas". Good movie. If ur reading this and you are yet to watch the it. To be frank it is the movie that forced me to complete my essay on Sourav Ganguly. I need not complete my story. You know what will I write. His struggel with his form, His captaincy, personal life. To be frank despite all he achieved, he failed to win respect of quite a few people. People who could not still beleive how come he is so successful. They all are as devoid of talent as Ganguly is. Ya its true Ganguly is not as talented as a sachin or a dravid or kumble. But he knows to work hard and clinch it. He is unbiased, he does whathe feels like doing it and often does it right. And thats what people can't accept.

The movie I was talking about has a similar story line. A guy willing to do things differently, wants to be a gangaster. He does not feel bad about it. he cheats on his wife he claims he loves and still does not get bothered about it. A similar movie " Blow" starring Jhonny Deep showed yet another charecter with similar feelings. But in both cases they end up loosing all they fought for. Because at the end of the day, they weren't doing right things. I mean the real bad things. Killing, robbing, selling drugs, cheating. Perhaps their doom was written all over and they didn't see it. And when they realised it was too late. They lost all they fought for. Friends, relatives, kids they loved. We have all read similar stories and appreciated them because it said you don't do good things you won't end up in a good place. But look at what happens here.

Enter Greg Chappell. A struggling team. Some in fighting. A struggling captain. He gets it right. time for change of leadership. well time is ripe. the so called supporter of captain is on his way out. Captain doesn't have enough credentials to prove his mettle. So in a months time the captain is out. Out of position out of team. And none to support him. the new found Bhisma Pitamah is solution for all and here enter brutus in the scene. players who themselves have struggled worse than the captain. guess why they are still there because one man had the guts to fight for them . In the selection room, in the press brief and every interview he gave. Other wise Kaif would have been out way early. Yubraj would never have seen this day and guy like Shewag might have tried his hands playing like Gavaskar or Shastri. To add to all this the captain handled it all tactfully. No repurcussion from the press, no former player pointing any of these kids, A shelter which we hardly receive.

Now he gets out of team without even knowing he is out. No one likes him any more. Perhaps he is now of no use. Bhisma Pitamah is here.
Lets look into Dravid. He knew this was his chance and he grabbed it. He is doing a fabulous job. Sourav should not regret loosing his post. A deserving guy got it and at this point Dravid is the guy who can take care of the team till 2007 and beyond. But the question is why has not he spoken a word about Sourav. Fear....that he might loose the coveted job. I say its politics. A person if confident of doing his job right does not resort to cheap tactics like these. he was the one closest to ganguly who knew his days are over. I don't say support Ganguly's failures. Give him the last oppurtunity he deserves. He knows it very well that if he does not perform he is out forever. And thats fair too. We know Sourav fought with Wright to get the guys he beleived in. Dravid is also supporting his team mates but not Ganguly. Fair enough. Its human instincts I guess.
In both the movies all good things came to a sudden end. A future we never see. You may say they deserved it but did ganguly deserve it too. His intentions were honest. So what do we say....whether good or bad all you need is a brutus and a Bhisma Pitanmah to bring to end all that you dreamt of. Think.

And to Shewag and revolves around a circle. Soon you will in the same place where Ganguly is. Hated by people who loved you once. But please don't complain. As for those who call Bhisma Pitamah Professional. Wait for it. Despite what you do ...good or will have your day too. Only that I won't be there to hear what you say.
Tomorrow there is a possibility that Sourav gets his last chance to prove himself. I wish him best of luck. Will he be 5th time lucky?

Well he need not be. Luck was not what he was riding upon. hard work was. And no matter what be the result he will come out of the mess he is. And for all those who complain....lets see what can you do when you are in a similar sitution. Don't worry You will. It's guaranteed. But even at that point don't forget to give it a try. See if you can match the mental strength of Ganguly.
